
Australian Silica Quartz Pty Ltd


 Australian Silica Quartz Ltd has two exploration license applications in an area north of Perth and west of Gingin. The area is about 80kms from the Kwinana Port. Well serviced by roads and rail these leases are adjacent to existing known silica sand resources. The Gingin Project is 100% owned by ASQ.

The Gingin Project lies within the Bassendean sands area which is a region that has been known for it's large deposits of high grade silica sand. The sand in the area has been mined for several decades for use in the glass industry and other high grade uses. Companies that have done work previously in this area include Silica Sales Pty Ltd, Rocla Quarry Products, and Sorenson Short and Associates, (for West Australian Silica Sand). Rocla Quarry Products remained in the area and was later aquired by Hanson who have local and international markets and supply specialised dried sands for glass manufacture, foundries, sports surfaces and many other manufacturing uses. Historically large tonnages have been exported by Rocla through the Kwinana port. Hanson has recently recommenced exporting silica sands through the Kwinana Port.

Historical sampling of the sand resources in the area demonstrate high grade silica sand with a silica content in excess of 99%, (Silica Sales Pty Ltd drilled 600 holes with sample grades ranging between 99.3% and 99.7%). The high-grade silica sand consists of almost pure quartz with only traces or no impurities of heavy minerals such as rutile and ilmenite. The sand grains where well rounded with a grain size within the range of 0.15 - 0.6mm.

The high grade silica sands in the Gingin project area are slightly coarser than the sands in the two southern projects at Albany and Esperance and the SiO2 content of the sand is slightly higher.


Gingin project map